- Kakharu Badi (କଖାରୁ ବଡି): 6-8 Pcs
- Tomato (ପାତଲଘଣ୍ଟା) : 2 Pcs
- Salt as per the taste
- Mustard
- Green Chili: 2 Pcs
- Coriander leaf
- Mustard Oil 2 Tbs
- Turmeric Powder
- Wash the tomato properly and chop into pieces.
- Heat the fry pan and pour some mustard oil.
- Add mustard and green chili.
- Break the Badi into small pieces and fry until color changes to brownish red.
- Add chopped tomato and keep the burner in low flame.
- Let the tomato get cooked for 2 to 3 minutes by covering the pan.
- Add Salt and turmeric powder as per the taste. Mix the badi and tomato properly to a gravy state. Make sure badi should be in pieces, it shouldn’t be dissolved with tomato.
- Add chopped Coriander leaf and serve with steam rice.