An administrative District of Odisha in eastern India, Boudh District is also known as Baudha District. The District is bounded by River Mahanadi & Angul District to the north, Kandhamal District to the south, Nayagarh District to the east and River Tel & Subarnapur District to the west. Covering a geographical area of 3444.8 sq km, the District lies 20 degree 22’ to 20 degree 50’ North Latitude and 83 degree 34’ to 84 degree 49’ East Longitude.
As per the demography is concerned, the District has got total population of 441162 people with sex ratio 991 Females per 1000 Males (2011 Census),including total 221625 male population and 219537 female population. It ranks Boudh is 22nd in size and 29th in population among the thirty districts of Odisha.Total SC population of the District is 104934 and ST population is 55364 as per 2011 census.
administration is concerned, there is one sub division namely Boudh, 3 Tahasils, 3 Blocks, 1186 Villages and 69 Gram Panchayats functioning in the District.
The climatic condition of Boudh is much varied. The district comes under the ambit of Western Central Table Land characterized by hot and moist sub-humid climate. It has mainly 4 seasons. The summer season is from March to Mid June, the period from Mid June to September is the Rainy season, October and November constitute the post monsoon season and winter is from December to February. The best time to visit this district is during winter.
There is a meteorological observatory in the district. The data of this observatory may be taken as representative of the meteorological condition of the whole district. The month of May as the hottest month reach to a daily maximum temperature of 44 degree Celsius. In association with the passage of western disturbances across north India during winter months, short spells of cold occur and the temperature drops down to 10 degree Celsius.The average annual rainfall of the district is 1510.33 mm. However there is a great variation of rainfall from year to year.